Explore By Topics

In this pathway, you will be able to understand the basics of DevSecOps from a business perspective, assess the DevSecOps Maturity of the organization (DSOMM), design the DevSecOps Strategy for an organization (Wardley mapping and Cynefin), and influence the organization's culture for a shift-left approach.

  • Continuous Integration

    Continuous Integration

    Automates development process

  • Continuous Deployment

    Continuous Deployment

    Auto-deploys code to production

  • Continuous Monitoring

    Continuous Monitoring

    Monitors system performance

  • Continuous Delivery

    Continuous Delivery

    Deploy continuously

  • Git


    Version control system

  • Jenkins


    Automation server

  • CircleCI


    Continuous Integration platform

  • Github Actions

    Github Actions

    Integrated CI/CD platform